Comments: Facebook

"...running like a spirited racehorse..."--don't you mean an SSSD in full stride? ;P

Posted by Margarett Zavodny at May 9, 2008 07:40 AM


In 18 hours - you have been able to teach someone like me how to unleash Facebook power! ;D

Your a living example that no matter our age, religion, love, sexe or opinions - things that leash us to something and what makes us "human" can become, with will, a constant search for truth, curiosity and desire to learn "surhuman".

Don't be worry - you can always regret to have too many friends later ;D. As any marketing initiative is, FB friendship starts slowly to ultimely blasts exponentialy! Facebook is a great place to build true, focussed friendship and networks - as long as we stay focus - it is all good! We have to be there for something - wandering is addictive!

Slow starts on FB is a result of being focus since getting a lot of friends SHOULDN'T be the objective there. Quantity or quality - isn't a great dilemna? I'll always vote for quality!

Good luck - happy to be your friend ;D


Posted by JM Belanger at April 10, 2008 06:57 PM