Comments: low sun, stovewood and the next generation

Reading about the next generation and old dogs so well described the joys and sorrows of sharing life with dogs.
There are some dogs who tell us that they are not getting enough attention and after breeding is done, usually by age 4-5, that we re-home. And then there are some who are such a part of our hearts that we could never part with them unless they also said they were not happy here.
As these friends age, they teach us life lessons on how growing older can be done gracefully and taking joy in life. Our older dogs as they have had arthritis limit their mobility, taught us how to notice their changing needs and help them up stairs or get a boost on the couch. Aches and pains rarely have made them grouchy but they never have shown senility.
Only once has one of our dog partners reached the point where she said life was not enjoyable and needed assistance in letting go of her body. She could no longer stand or even lay upright without help. There was fear and dullness in her eyes. We gave her a large dose of asprin. She lost the fearful look but still could not control her body.
We do have a vet we knew would do it right and he came to our home. While waiting, we gave her all the goodies she loved to indulge in. Beer, ice cream and she finally got to rip apart that special squeak toy.
We held her as she left, with words of gratefullness for all she shared with us for over 13 years.
She and other friends gone ahead live on in the coming generations. We also don't breed often and must make the decisions of when to breed and which to keep for breeding. Being cowards, we stagger our breeding so that there are no big age gaps. Losing several close together hurts so much.
It's been a relief to hear from people whose animals are part of their hearts. I've been in a heated debate with professional members of an ethology list who seem to think animals are either to be eaten or are slaves. One man who works in beef management criticizes any animal trainers who train for 'entertainment', guess that includes people who have sled teams for fun as having dominion over the animals who are stockholm syndrome victims and perform only because they are robots. I don't think this man has a soul or a fully functioning brain.
Anyone who has worked animals knows the partnership and 2 way communication and learning that goes on.
Here's to the next generation! May they and we all share many years of joyous life! And here's to the old ones and those gone ahead! Thank you for it all!

Posted by Julie at October 27, 2003 10:52 AM