Comments: new seppala kennels page

I send you a poem by a man from Greece.Sent to me.
It is quite lovely..

And your rainbow bridge page is beautiful.
Sniff... Those beautiful eyes the mirror of their sweet innocent souls. It is so hard for us.
Your site is wonderful full of your love and caring.

I ascend from primordial plains. I pass through tall grass. I am Epicyon.
Herbivore ears annouce my dominion. I am preditor. I am Epicyon.

I pick the scent of the air. Fire glitters in my eyes. I watch the man. I am Wolf.

I am spirit. I am Free. I am Inuit. I am companion.

I am the quiet flow that cracks the ice. Snow covers my sight. My pads sink deep. I am Siberia.

Dawn colors my eyes. I see my kindred move along me. I smell the blood of the seal. I am Chukchi.

I walk the great snow. Stars are my heavenly companions. I carry my keeper. His bloodline is mine.

I am endurance. I am hope. I am Life. I am Alaska

I am Husky.

John Cristidis,Greece. 2002

Posted by JoAnna at June 29, 2005 11:28 AM